Saturday, November 8, 2008

Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives

Two entries ago, I talked about this PBS documentary:

I was reminded of it by a conversation with a friend at church last night. He only watches PBS, so I brought it up. Sure enough, he had seen it.

Says he in excitement and glee, "You want a copy? I recorded it!"

Now I know I'm not the only science geek within the circles in which I run. I am, however, continually surprised when science geeks that are incognito come out and proudly profess their PBS predilection.

Anyway, check it out; it was awesome!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


I've noticed this week other students -- my peers -- have begun calling me ma'am.

Oh, dear...

Putting this into perspective -- just last fall, I was carded regularly when buying wine. Wonder what has happened this year?

I also determined to get myself back on a regular workout schedule this week, even if that means just 20 minutes in the gym 2-3 times a week. I noticed right away that this seemed to energize me and helped me focus better when studying.

Maybe (after time and consistency) it'll help me blend in better again. My vanity isn't letting me take this "ma'am" stuff lying down!