Friday, October 24, 2008

Float like a Butterfly

I celebrated my 37th birthday this past summer. This was my birthday present from hubby.

(This is for you, Mom!)

The butterfly tails trail down the side of my back, flowing back and forth over each other, and cross to the right side at my lower back. I got major props from my tattoo artist for going so big on my first tattoo!

For my next trick, I'm thinking lipstick-red highlights...

Before anyone starts thinking that I'm in an early midlife crisis, or trying to stay hip on campus, you must know that I've always been a little ... shall we say, expressive. Maybe eccentric. Never boring (see earlier post on my fear of blah.)

I tend to think that I finally got up enough guts to do something I've always wanted to do. Sounds like a lot of what I'm doing these days!

Hubby will get one, too. The sooner the better. (tattoos are super-sexy!)

1 comment:

  1. I heard a comedian on NBC's show "Last Comic Standing" make an excellent point. He said, "You know, they say wearing black is slimming -- makes you look thinner. I say that's true -- if you're thin!" I tend to think the same thing about tattoos -- they're sexy on someone who's sexy already, but don't help too much, say, for some dude with a huge beer gut...
