Friday, January 30, 2009

Help! New Creatures Living in My House!

A cursory search of my son's room turned up these inhabitants:

The feared and dreaded Dragon, threatening to chew up in his plastic jaws all that crossed his path.The fiercely brave Dragon Tamer, sent to capture and train the feared Dragon from the region called Lukesroom.Battle for control ensued, but the dragontamer's cunning strategy wore out the dragon, breaking him of his independent spirit that had made him dwell in the mountain alone and dreaded by all the villagers surrounding it. The Dragontamer approached...

...and the Dragon, with newly earned respect for the Tamer, submitted, and allowed him to mount and ride.

A new partnership, forged in the fires of competition and honor, was sealed as the Dragontamer shouts to his steed, "CHARGE!!!"

Queen Mom of the lands surrounding Lukesroom heaved a sigh of relief, breathing, "Phew, glad that's over!"

1 comment:

  1. I really think that is an awesome goal that you are going to start medical school at 40 with being married and having children!! It is a tremendous and admiriable persuit to take on with a family and being married. Im in my 40's also I wanted to wish you good luck. I have workied in doctors offices for years and also volunteered in the ER.
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