Monday, January 12, 2009

Why Basic Physics Bothered Me

*Light bulb moment.* I am having an epiphany...

Receiving a Basic Physics primer -- a textbook -- from the man that I love is like getting a vacuum cleaner from him for your anniversary. You may have needed that vacuum. There may be so much accumulation on the carpet that even the dog is afraid to walk on it. But if the vacuum comes gift wrapped and labeled with a card that says, "Happy Anniversary, Honey -- I love you!" it won't be appreciated.

Not that I can clean my floors with Basic Physics (although that would be a great application for physicists to explore) but the affect is the same.

"But," I hear you saying, "he didn't wrap it and give it on Christmas. He gave it to you nonchalantly, after work, like a grocery list. Something you need, something helpful."

True. Score one for hubby.

"It also shows he supports you," you continue. "He's rooting for you to ace physics. He wants you to feel comfortable with it when you're taking it for the first time at 37 years of age, unlike the traditional sophomores in your class that had it in high school just a couple of years ago."

True again. Score another for hubby.

"AND," you say, "he knows you're multifaceted. You enjoy jewelry, fiction, art, music, and science. Would you rather him give you gifts of fleeting beauty all the time??"

True again. Score another for hubby.

I'm hiding my face in shame now...

Basic Physics rocks! What a great book! I so appreciate this gift, I think I'll read it...

*hmpph! so much for epiphanies*

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