Saturday, January 10, 2009

Blah Blah Blah...

Okay, enough of the deep thoughts of yesterday. Enough of the stream-of-conscious book reviews, etc. I recognize that my previous posts have gotten a bit too -- well, philosophical -- too far adrift from the original premise of this blog.

This is a blog, after all, not a manifesto!

And it's a blog about going back to college with family (and dog, mortgage, and yard) in tow. It was meant to be fun, light, uplifting. A sort of Erma Bombeck meets Bridgette Jones in the non-traditional students' lounge. Not that I have an audience (except Eric, of course!) to disappoint by my drab mood. But in the spirit of a new year and renewing visions, I've decided to return to my roots.

In that light...

Hubby bought a book for me. Usually I *love* his book gifts. He knows my taste and interests. His timing is usually quite good. When I'm itching to sink my teeth into a juicy novel, he gives me Sarah Dunant. When I'm obsessed with history documentaries, he gives me 1776. He doesn't buy diet books for me (because he values his life) because he knows I buy those for myself.

This book, however, has shaken my confidence in his gift-giving prowess. He bought and presented to me Basic Physics: A Self-Teaching Guide. Gave it to me right after I finished finals. Right as I exited school mode and entered domestic-goddess mode.

I think he planned to wrap it and gift me with it on Christmas morning, but then thought twice about that (so he's not gone totally mad; confidence *mostly* restored.)

I can hear you saying, "I thought she liked physics?" "Why wouldn't she want this book?"

I'm glad you asked.

I do like physics. And I do want this book. I know as much as Hubby does how much I need to read this book. And I will. But right now I'm enjoying not being in school too much to think about what I need to do to prepare to be in school again. I am not in the swing. I jumped out of the swing after my bio final and ran, giggling and screaming in glee like a kid on the playground rushing for the monkey bars. I am so far out of the swing that I can barely remember the difference between an integral and a derivative (not that Mr. Calculus hasn't been trying to remind me!)

I had to take my truck to the dealership to get something fixed. I took this scintillating read, Basic Physics, with me knowing that I'd be doing time in the waiting room. I opened the book and, in true textbook-reading fashion, started at the beginning.

I didn't get past the foreword. Too much noise (and that old western on the television -- which is nicer than the one in my living room, by the way -- was much more interesting.) Too many other people with other interests and voices louder than a whisper (especially the over-stressed grandmother with two small children with her, trying to quiet them with McDonald's and who sighed loudly every time she realized it wasn't working.) Too much stinky-burnt coffee filling the air making me wish I had stopped at Starbucks on the way in. Too easily distracted -- that's me on winter break.

Next thing I know, my name was called, my truck was ready, and Basic Physics was shut for the day.

*sigh* I'll read it this week, as soon as Nate is back in school. As soon as the laundry is done and put away. As soon as I'm done casting around for the next project that I'd rather be doing than reading Basic Physics.

But right now, Basic Physics is so much Blah Blah Blah...

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